Batelco Successfully Completes Two Business Continuity Training Courses
**Business Continuity ISO 22301 Detailed Interpretation Training Course and Business Continuity Management Internal Auditor Training Course**
Batelco, Bahrain’s leading telecommunications company has held two successful training programmes at its Training Centre at Hamala Headquarters. A three day programme covered the main concepts of Business Continuity Standard ISO22301:2012, while the topic of a separate two day training programme was Internal Auditing against Business Continuity Management System.
The training programmes were held to ensure that Batelco’s key employees have full understanding and knowledge to implement and assess the Business Continuity Standard within the workplace.
With collaboration between the Company’s Business Continuity and the Training & Development Department, Batelco organised the training in partnership with Bureau Veritas.
The Training was attended by 33 participants (Business Continuity Leaders & Coordinators) who are involved in the implementation of Business Continuity in various departments including Internal Audit, IT, Security & Safety, Networks, Wholesale, Enterprise Royal Segment, Customer Services, Human Resources, Building Services, Corporate Affairs, Business Continuity, Risk Management & Information Security.
Batelco Bahrain General Manager Human Resources & Corporate Services Suhaila Alnowakhda, speaking at the conclusion of the Trainingcongratulated the participants and complimented them on their great efforts.
Mrs. Alnowakhda continued by stating that the programmes provided an excellent opportunity for building a culture of Business Continuity competence, motivating employees on incorporating Business Continuity best practices into their daily operations, and assuring the resilience of services, which is considered one of Batelco’s top priorities.
By holding training such as this, Batelco assures its customers that the Company applies global Business Continuity standards in implementing its daily operations.
“Our customers deserve full care and continuity for their services. We are committed to improving delivery and availability of products or services at acceptable predefined levels following disruptive incidents,” Mrs. Alnowakhda concluded.